DP Test Page Assignment

Click here for a gallery of sample websites

Dreamweaver Glossary/Notes

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

Text language made up of “tags” surrounded by brackets read by web browsers to display web pages.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

HTTP is a standard of communication between an end-user (web surfer) and a server (host of a web site).  

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Web address

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)

A computer application in which content in the editing stage looks similar to the final product.

The first page (homepage) of a website should be named “index.”

 When saving and naming files in a website, avoid spaces, the slash symbol, and special characters, such as $, &, or !.  Use dashes (-) or underscores (_) in place of spaces.   

Everything you want to post to your DP must be saved inside your “My DP” folder. 

Using Dreamweaver

Code, Design, and Split are three ways to view and edit your web pages.

 The Property inspector lets you view and change a variety of properties for the selected object or text.

GIF and JPEG graphic file formats are supported and can be viewed by most browsers.

Hotspots allow you to turn sections of an image into links.

 An image that you set as a background will not allow you to place hotspot links on it. 

Links: links can be internal (to another file in your DP folder), external (to a page outside of your DP) & anchor (to a specific area on your page). 

DP Test Page Assignment (20 pts.):

You will be creating a file called “testpage.html”with Dreamweaver and saving it in a folder entitled “pages” inside your “multimedia” folder inside your “MY DP” folder. The URL (web address) will be: dp.hightechhigh.org/~username/multimedia/pages/testpage.html

You will need some images to work with for this assignment, so you can get them online and save them inside a folder named “images” inside your Multimedia folder inside your My DP folder.

Your Test Page should include the following:

1. Your logo inserted the top of the page

2. Internal Link — Use the “Browse for File” in the Properties Window to navigate and select a file that is saved in your “My DP” folder (you may need to save something in the “MyDP” folder if you this if you don’t have anything in there).

3. External Link that opens in a new window — Link to a website (not your own).  Use target ” _blank” to make the page open in a new window.

4. Insert an image on your page.
Screen Shot 2014-09-18 at 10.25.45 AM

5. Page Title

6. Embedded video – Get embed code from a video online and copy and paste into the code of your page.  You need to be in either “code” or “split” mode.

7. Background Image — Save an image inside your MyDP folder. The image will repeat or “tile” so select either a small. unobtrusive image that will create a pattern when repeated.

OPTIONAL Challenge Assignment

8. Hotspot Link – Use the Hotspot drawing tools to turn a selection of your image into a link.

9. Rollover Image – Insert>Image Objects>Rollover Image and choose two images that are the same size in your My DP folder.
10. Audio File — Save an audio file (WAV, MP3, AIFF) in your “MyDP” folder first, then go to insert>media>plugin and select the file. Make sure you set the audio file to not autoplay. Do this by adding autostart=”false” in the embed code.

When done, reply to this post with the URL to your test page.

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