Jib Jab/Monty Python Style Animation

1. Transcribe a conversation you’ve heard at school
2. Using Scriptbuddy, write a 2 page screenplay about your conversation.(2 pgs=2 minutes)
3. Turn your screenplay into a Go!Animate Presentation. The class will pick 12-13 stories to produce.
4. Photo Shoot
-Establishing shot (Wide shot that shows location where action is taking place)
-2 shot (profile shot of 2 Characters side by side)
-OTS 1 (Over the shoulder)
-OTS 2
-Corresponding BG (Background shots for each above shot)
-Props, Extras, etc.
NOTE: You will need two shots (one closed mouth, one open mouth) for each shot.
5. Photoshop Editing – Make perfect selections and import image into After Effects
6. Record Voice Over
7. Animate in After Effects (see After Effect tutorials below)


1. Go!Animate:

2. After Effects:

Screen shot 2013-09-26 at 8.30.25 AM

Screen shot 2013-09-26 at 8.30.44 AMScreen shot 2013-09-26 at 8.30.54 AM





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