Found Footage Project

Internet ArchiveIn this project, students create a multimedia project entirely consisting of sourced material — the only thing original about this project will be the final piece resulting from the mix of found material.  Project must include multiple video tracks (min. 3), a music track, and a spoken word (poem, political speech, passage from an audio book, etc.) audio track.

This project is intended to create a new work of art from found materials.  Don’t merely mash together multiple clips and tracks — be thoughtful and attempt to convey a feeling or emotion through your work.

All material must be come from a trusted source that expressly states that users are free to download, remix, and reuse content.  Look for works licensed under Creative Commons or works that are considered Public Domain.

You must attribute (give credit) the works you use in the manner set forth by the original artists or hosting site.

Wikimedia Commons (“a media file repository making available public domain and freely-licensed educational media content -images, sound and video clips- to all) & & are great places to begin.

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